Celandria Johnson-Foster

Senior Advisor to the ED

My name is Celandria Johnson-Foster, better known in the community as CJai Foster. First, I am the wife of a former Texas death row inmate whose sentence was commuted just 6 hours before his scheduled execution. I am an organizer/activist with Empathy Network, who recently changed its’ name to Dream. I am a leading abolitionist against the death penalty, the Law of Parties, mass incarceration, and solitary confinement in Texas. I have recently accepted the title of Director of T.A.S.C (Texans Against Segregated Confinement) under the umbrella of Texas Prisons Community Advocates. With the help of TPCA, I am leading an innovative approach to campaign against solitary confinement by building and establishing a coalition from the ground up. I am currently working closely with celebrities, criminal justice reporters, State Representatives and Senators to address the barbaric conditions experienced by the men and women in Texas prisons.