Contributing to the development of laws and
regulations, with a specific focus on mental health.

Thank you to everyone who was able to participate in ou first Impact Incarceration on Our Communities Conference| March 26 - 27

Help Us Make Things Better

The goal of the National Trauma Education and Policy Institute is to help shape and impact policies, laws, and regulations at both local and national levels, with a specific focus on mental health, law enforcement, education, and the justice/court system concerning trauma.

We aim to advocate for policies that promote equality for all individuals. Additionally, we create training programs that influence and enhance the services offered to the community, addressing various types of trauma.


Dominique Goodmond- Removing Labels – TedX Talk

The Impact Incarceration on Our Communities

View Image Gallery March 26 – 27 HYATT REGENCY WASHINGTON ON CAPITOL HILL 400 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001 This …

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